Close the Gap
With the most effective DR screening solution on the market
Diabetic retinopathy(DR) is highly treatable if detected early through annual eye screening: only 50% of people with diabetes are getting their annual screening. Untreated DR may lead to blindness and vision loss which costs the US healthcare system $134B annually*. We are on a mission to resolve this problem.
Our solution helps close an important care gap.
Diabetic retinopathy screening is one of 5 HEDIS diabetic measures under the Effectiveness of Care. The 5 measurements are:
Kidney health
Statin therapy
Eye exam
Out of those 5 exams, only the eye exam requires a separate appointment with a specialist. The rest are collected during standard wellness visits. You are at the mercy of the specialist in order to close this gap.
We remove all of that hassle and empower you to control the whole process.
If you move up one star in the star rating by closing the DR screening care gap, you will create $30/patient in value
That’s not all..
Our solution was designed by physicians to ensure we maximize patient outcomes with the least disruption to physician workflows:
Any member of the clinical staff can run the camera after 10 minutes of training. Better images leads to less time taking multiple pictures and better care for your patients. Plus, no need for dilation and the camera can be easily move between rooms.
We fully integrate with over 90 EHRs leveraging a secure integration engine. Orders are automatically pulled and results are inserted back into the EHR*.
*Integration can vary based on specific EHR
We are founded by and lead by physicians. We know how disruptive new processes can be which is why we've designed our solution to create the fit seamlessly within your current workflow.
No one wants to pay $30,000+ for a fully integrated camera, software, interface and security system with the promise of a payoff in five years. Our solution is provided at no upfront cost. Our fees are based on usage and fall under existing CPT codes.
All of this leads to be better images, less time chasing paperwork, lower financial risk and no disruption to current workflow.